
Employment Tip, No. 3

For the rest of the month, we'll be sharing daily Employment Tips from our book excerpt in Penthouse:

Here are not only some real-world employment tips, but also ways that the modern con man lifestyle can come in handy after you've punched out.

Door-to-Door Salesman:
"I sell meat and I have this move called The-Turn-and-Talk. See, I keep my meat in the truck and I figure if I can get the customer to the truck, I can make the sale. It's getting them out of the doorway that's the biggest hurdle. So what I do is, while I'm talking, I turn and begin walking back... and I don't stop what I'm saying when I go. Often the customer will step out to listen and follow to hear what I'm saying. Next thing they know, they're looking at my meat."

Tip to the Modern Con Man:
"How's that apply to life outside the profession? If you wait for someone's approval, it might not come. Assume someone's interested in you and you'd be surprised how often that'll make it come true."

Tomorrow: A Telemarketer calls in.

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