
The Sweetwater Swindle

There’s some connin’ going on in Sevier County, TN, although after reading this story, we’re still not sure how it worked exactly (ok, we admit: we sorta just skimmed it)…

“He convinced local people that he would buy their property… but he needed them to open a checking account in their name so he could have the money transferred here. He would then offer them a large sum of money if they would do that for him. Then he ‘arranged’ for them to purchase for him new cars from Jacky Jones Ford in Sweetwater.”

Even though it’s a little hard to follow, who cares. Read the whole thing (or skim it like us) and you'll see why it's our favorite story of the week. It's just got some great local color:

“Jacky Jones Ford in Sweetwater.”
“Turpin had bragged about … purchasing William Poe's farm.”
"He told us he was one of eight special forces solders involved in the rescue of soldier Jessica Lynch in Iraq and that he and the others had been shot, but he survived.”

And the clincher:
"'John Doe' is on the lam with a new girlfriend, the ex-wife of a Sweetwater police officer.”

That's right, this grifter hit the road with Johnny Law’s ex! John Doe, let us know where you are and we’ll send you a signed copy of our book.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just proves that you should always lie BIG. Fat lies are more entertaining and hence, more easily swallowed whole. Always remember to top that fallacy with hot fudge, nuts and a damn cherry.
Love this site, by the way.
Thanks, bub!