
Dreams do come true

Ever sit around, wishing things like identical twin con artists brothers existed, for real? Well wish no more: Jordan and Simon Gann have answered your prayers. Now before you get too excited, it does seem like the Gann brothers have to each go solo for the time being. Jordan's going solo to jail, after pleading guilty last week in –where else?– Tampa. Simon is on the run, possibly south of the border. Anyway, we're still gathering a lot of info to distill into some posts this weekend. But while we get it all together, we may as well answer an obvious question: no, twins do not have identical fingerprints.


Anonymous said...

This post shows both pics of Jordan Gann.
Here is a link to the website-

Anonymous said...

I was scammed by Simon in Honduras. He had been working Central America for 8 or so months. I didn't let on I knew his real identity, he is still in contact, and supposedly was deported back to America last week. The mobile number he gave me was a Louisiana one, so watch out America, he is back!